“This is a thought-provoking collection of pieces that explore topics that Maus touches on, and is a must-read if you’ve read Spiegelman’s books.”—Book Riot
“At a time when book banning is on the rise—and, indeed, the very nature of truth is under attack—this omnibus investigates relevant questions . . . Chute’s book, which contains a generous selection of illustrations, features such luminaries as Ruth Franklin, Adam Gopnik, Marianne Hirsch, Alisa Solomon, and Philip Pullman, all coming together to create a valuable resource for the cottage industry of Maus research.”—Kirkus Reviews
Philip Pullman Behind the Masks (2003)
Joshua Brown Of Mice and Memory (1988)
Ken Tucker Cats, Mice, and History: The Avant-Garde of the Comic Strip (1985)
Adam Gopnik Comics and Catastrophe: Art Spiegelman’s Maus and the History of the Cartoon (1987)
Kurt Scheel Mauschwitz? Art Spiegelman’s “A Survivor’s Tale” (1989)
Dorit Abusch “The Holocaust in Comics?” (1997 and 2021)
Thomas Doherty Art Spiegelman’s Maus: Graphic Art and the Holocaust (1996 and 2020)
Stephen E. Tabachnick Of Maus and Memory: The Structure of Art Spiegelman’s Graphic Novel of the Holocaust (1993)
Problems of Representation
Marianne Hirsch My Travels with Maus, 1992–2020 (1992, 1997, 2012, and 2020)
Nancy K. Miller Cartoons of the Self: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Murderer—Art Spiegelman’s Maus (1992)
Michael Rothberg “We Were Talking Jewish”: Art Spiegelman’s Maus as “Holocaust” Production (1994)
Alan Rosen The Language of Survival: English as Metaphor in Spiegelman’s Maus (1995)
Terrence Des Pres Holocaust Laughter? (1988)
Andreas Huyssen Of Mice and Mimesis: Reading Spiegelman with Adorno (2003)
Robert Storr Making Maus (1991)
Hillary Chute “The Shadow of a Past Time”: History and Graphic Representation in Maus (2006)
Ruth Franklin Art Spiegelman’s Genre-Defying Holocaust Work, Revisited (2011)
Pierre-Alban Delannoy Spiegelman, in Nobody’s Land (2009)
David Samuels Q&A with Art Spiegelman, Creator of Maus (2013)
Hans Kruschwitz Everything Depends on Images: Reflections on Language and Image in Spiegelman’s Maus (2018)
Alisa Solomon The Haus of Maus: Art Spiegelman’s Twitchy Irreverence (2014)
Works Cited
Selected Further Writing on Maus